a stolen life jaycee dugard - PDF

A stolen life jaycee dugard - Three Principles North

a stolen life jaycee dugard - Three Principles North

On 10 June 1991, eleven-year-old Jaycee Dugard was snatched from a school transport stop inside sight of her home in Tahoe, California. It was the last her family and companions saw of her for more than eighteen years. On 26 August 2009, Dugard, her girls, and Phillip Craig Garrido showed up in the workplace of her hijacker's probation officer in California. Their surprising conduct started an examination that prompted the positive ID of Jaycee Lee Dugard, living in a tent behind Garrido's home. During her time in bondage, at fourteen years old and seventeen, she brought forth two little girls, both fathered by Garrido. 

Dugard's diary is composed by the 30-year-old herself and spreads the period from the season of her snatching in 1991 up until the present. In her obvious, absolutely legit and unfazed story, Jaycee opens up about what she encountered, including how she feels now, a year subsequent to being found. Garrido and his significant other Nancy have since confessed to their violations.

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