Barack H. Obama: the unauthorized biography PDF

Barack H. Obama: the unauthorized biography

Barack H. Obama: the unauthorized biography

Composed by the writer of the unbelievable 1992 uncover of Bush the senior, this book works from a New Deal perspective. Obama is uncovered as an establishment employable and operator of Wall Street money capital, constrained by Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros, and Goldman Sachs. Obama's mom was an authority of the Ford Foundation, the World Bank, and US AID. By all signs, Obama was distinguished for future political use by Brzezinski at Columbia in 1981-1983, during Obama's mystery lost years. Obama has worked for the Gamaliel Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the Woods Fund, and the Annenberg Foundation. A people group coordinator is a destitution pimp, a skeptical pioneer who uses enduring individuals as a political product. The establishment technique is separate and vanquish, setting blacks and against whites against Hispanics against Asians - to forestall any test to Wall Street. Bigot provocateurs like Wright and Pfleger, alongside Weatherman psychological militant aircraft Ayers and Dohrn - Obama's closest companions - are thrown in this form. Rezko, Auchi, and Al-Sammarae speak to the cesspool of Chicago unite and defilement in which Obama romps. Educated in Nietzsche and Fanon, Obama qualifies as a postmodern extremist. An Obama organization would make progress toward fierce monetary penance and gravity to fund Wall Street bailouts, and for colonialist encounter with Russia and China.

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