The Book of Secret Wisdom: The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution

The Book of Secret Wisdom: The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution

The Book of Secret Wisdom: The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution

Do you wonder about the future and the predetermination of mankind? Would you like to know the genuine motivation behind your reality on Earth and in the Universe? A long-concealed old content holds the appropriate responses you look for!

Zinovia Dushkova, Ph.D., is one of only a handful couple of living individuals who has accessed the million-year-old original copy generally known as the Book of Dzyan. Written in the language of the Gods, called Senzar, it is furtively covered up in the core of the Himalayas, available to just a picked few through the span of mankind's history, including Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Pythagoras, Plato, and Helena Blavatsky. Translations of different pieces of this mystery original copy, exhibited in various lights, can be found in all religions and ways of thinking.

Presently, unexpectedly, Dr. Dushkova has exhibited an at no other time seen selection from this antiquated consecrated content in The Book of Secret Wisdom. Lovely and illuminating, it will uncover our past, yet additionally our present and future. To encourage your comprehension of this significant and idyllic content, the book contains a far reaching glossary gathered from the incomparable wellsprings of knowledge.

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