The Decisive Battles of World History

The Decisive Battles of World History

The Decisive Battles of World History

A large number of the most conclusive defining moments throughout the entire existence of the world have been fights. Something beyond clashes between armed forces, such minutes regularly speak to crucial conflicts among adversary religions; societies; and social, political, and financial frameworks. The results of these fights have drastically changed and formed the course of history, frequently sending it on surprising or totally new ways. This course inspects in excess of three dozen such significant minutes, featuring and uncovering the key episodes and characters in charge of these basic movements. Throughout these talks, we'll find how the Battle of Yarmouk added to the foundation of Islam in the Middle East; how the Battle of the Talas River checked the development of the Tang tradition of China; how the Battle of Boyaca brought about South American freedom from Spain; and how the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, battled on the fringes of Mongolia and Manchuria, impacted the whole course of World War II in both Europe and the Pacific.

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