Download free Ebook of Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening
You have before you a document that is as unique and revolutionary as it is useful. It is unique, because it draws upon nearly five decades of actual teaching practice in organic methods of growing plants. Over 1,500 apprentices at the Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS, the Center) at the University of California, Santa Cruz have learned the methods described in this manual and applied them in settings as diverse as commercial organic farms, urban and school gardens, college and university farms, and overseas food projects. I can think of no other organic growing pedagogy that has been so thoroughly time- and field-tested. This manual is revolutionary, because of how dominant the chemical- and resource-intensive paradigm for growing plants has become. As the world population grows and our climate changes, agricultural and food systems are ever more stressed and will be so for years to come. Diversified farming systems employing the techniques described in this manual absolutely can feed the world, as many studies continue to prove. If the future of food and agriculture is at all sustainable and just, it is far more likely to employ the methods in this manual than so-called conventional agricultural techniques.
But perhaps most important for you, our readers, this manual is useful because it works. The practices described here can be employed in a variety of climates, soils, and educational settings. The information on soil science provides a solid grounding for the practices described, and the units on social and environmental issues offer a broader context for those interested in sustainable agriculture.
Moreover, teaching organic farming and gardening has evolved dramatically over the last several decades. In contrast to the very early efforts at organic farming and gardening, a substantial body of agroecological research informs today’s organic practices. Similarly, dramatic expansion in commercial applications of these techniques also confirms that they work, while simultaneously being modified for improvements. Today, those interested in teaching and learning about organic farming and gardening have a wealth of resources from which to draw, including this curriculum. In the spirit of the University of California’s dedication to public service, this manual is downloadable free of charge. Its many contributors are all grateful for the opportunity to share their experience, passion, and dedication as widely as possible.
Whether you are a long-time farmer educator, new farmer instructor, seasoned grower working a large farm, or a novice urban gardener, I thank you for your interest and trust. I fervently hope that this manual will help you teach others, learn on your own, and beautify your patch of the world.
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